The organizers, hosts, and volunteers of Brew Skies Music Festival are proud of our partnership with the Hannibal Nutrition Center. All of the proceeds from this festival will go to support programs for senior citizens in our community. Please see the Hannibal Nutrition Center mission statement below and click on their logo for more information. Thank you for your support!
About Hannibal Nutrition Center
Our mission still rings true: To provide nutritious meals and a daily contact to all seniors in our area, helping them maintain independence, dignity, and a higher quality of life.
Our vision is crystal clear: Never will a senior in our service area be denied a meal because of inability to pay. The Hannibal Nutrition Center will remain in downtown Hannibal, ensuring seniors access to meals and social contact for generations to come. As the needs of Hannibal area seniors change, the Nutrition Center will be here to serve.